
School Photos - Festival of Books
Our Mariachi Los Toritos performed at the Festival of Books at the University of Arizona!
A boy with a guitar performs a solo during the mariachi performance
A girl sings a solo during the mariachi performance
Mariachi students walk with their instruments
Mariachi students stand behind a banner that says Storybook Parade
A boy holds up his guitar and sings during the mariachi performance
School Photos - Mariachi Los Toritos Performance
Our mariachi students performed at the Tucson Unified Step Up Expo on January 23!
Two girls in blue and white folklorico dresses play violin
A boy in a blue dress shirt and glasses smiles with a microphone in his hand
A girl in glasses and a blue and white folklorico dress smiles while holding her violin in front of her
A boy in glasses and a blue dress shirt sings into a microphone
A little girl smiles up at the camera in her blue sunglasses
A group of boys huddle together with their backs towards the camera out at recess
Two girls discuss their assignment excitedly with a globe in the background
A little girl plays violin during a mariachi performance